

CONSTITUTION of the North West Driving Club

Updated by the Committee over winter 2011/2012 and ratified at an Extraordinary General meeting before the AGM 2012.


The Club shall be known as THE NORTH WEST DRIVING CLUB and shall be affiliated to any other society which may be beneficial to the Club.


The objects of the club shall be:
(a) To encourage and assist those interested in the Driving of Horses, Ponies and any other animals in harness, to promote good fellowship amongst Drivers / Members and to improve and maintain the standard of Driving and Horse management.
(b) To organise instructional Meetings, Rallies, Competitive Events and other activities deemed to further the aims of the Club.


Any person interested in the Driving of Horses or Ponies is eligible to be proposed as a Member. Membership will be confirmed by the Committee whose decision is final. The Committee has the power to refuse Membership to any individual without assigning a reason. Honorary Membership may be conferred by the Committee upon any persons deemed to have rendered notable service to the Club. Anyone desirous of becoming a Member shall be proposed by a fully paid up Member and his or her name and address shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary of the Club, on the appropriate nomination form.


The Annual Subscription shall be £..... which shall be payable on the First of January each year, or on admission to Membership of the Club and such payment shall be regarded as covering the period ended 31st December next following the date upon which the same became payable.


1. The Management of the business of the Club shall be vested in a Committee which will consist of not more than twelve persons elected by Members. Officers and President to be ex-officio Members of the Committee. One third of the elected Members of the Committee shall retire each year but shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee will have the power to co-opt nominated representatives from kindred Societies. The decision of the Committee shall be final unless overruled at a General Meeting. The Committee shal be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules or for anything relating to the Club not provided therein and its decision shall be final and binding on the members. The Committee may formulate bye-laws for the detailed running of the Club and elect Sub-Committees for any special activities of the Club which the Committee may authorise. Election of the Sub-Committees may also be made at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancy arising amongst Members of the Committee but any person co-opted shall retain office until the next following Annual General Meeting.

2. The Finiancial Year of the Club shall commence on 1st January each year. A Banking Account shall be maintained in the name of the Club and cheques thereon shall be signed by Officers designated by the Committee. The Accounts of the Club shall be Audited by a person appointed at the A.G.M being either a professional Auditor or a Member of the Club (other than a Committee Member) holding equivalent qualifications.

3. The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in the month of January to transact the following business:
(a) To receive and if aproved, to adopt the Treasurer's Statement of Accounts.
(b) To receive Secretary's Report.
(c) To appoint Officers and Committee for the Year.
(d) To consider any other business that may be necessary.
(e) Notice convening the A.G.M shall be sent to all Members not less than 14 Days before the Meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.
(f) Nominations for Officers and Committee shall be made to the Secretary in accordance with the Notice of the Meeting. Any Vacancies may be nominated by the Committee.
(g) To receive notices of motion from teh Members for inclusion in the Agenda of the A.G.M., such notices to be in the form required as set out in the Notice of the Meeting.

4. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or by a request specifying the business to be discussed, signed by ten Members. The Secretary shall give all Members Ten Days Notice of such Meeting.

5. The Rules may be added to, repealed or amended at any Annual or Special General Meeting provided no such resolution shall be deemed to have passed unless carried by a majority of at least two thirds of the Members are present and voting thereon and providing that prior notice has been sent to Members stating the proposed amendment.

6. The Club, its Committee or any persons acting on their behalf shall not be held responsible for any accident or injury to any person or property howsoever caused.